Promoting your teams positive reviews and testimonials are a fantastic way to promote your brand on LinkedIn. Celebration and recognition motivates your team and also creates a fantastic opportunity to promote a positive brand, which drives more engagement and visibility with clients and candidates on LinkedIn.
Better brand visibility = More leads = More Revenue!
NOTE: You have to have access to your Linkedin Company Page to do this.
In a few simple steps you can share any of your recruiters reviews on your LinkedIn company page:
Step 1
Head to, make sure you have the agency tab selected and search your agency.
Step 2
From your agency page, find a team member and click on their profile
then here....
Step 3
Click on the review you wish to share then copy the URL. *See the browser for the URL
Step 4
Go to your LinkedIn Company, copy and paste the link and share to your Audience! TIP: Don't forget to adda personal message for extra credit!